I can see it in their eyes, observe it in their body language.
We are so blessed to have all the treasures, including books, from Master Sha.
We can pick up any of his books and instantly serve. We can serve to lessen the suffering of our family members, our friends, our pets, schools, communities. Ourselves.
The Divine has given humanity a beautiful Golden Light Ball named after Master Sha because Master Sha is the true unconditional servant.
We simple call on Sha's Golden Healing Ball to come and bless our request.
I have used Sha's Golden Healing Ball for those I do not know, who I may see in a public place who are suffering.
I simply say:
Dear beloved Sha's Golden Healing Ball,
I love you.
You serve so unconditionally
Would you give this person/animal/situation a healing/blessing that is the most appropriate for them at this time?
I am so grateful.
Then I chant for 10 minutes or longer...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...
I realize in my heart and soul that the one receiving the blessing has had their suffering reduced.
What a gift. What an opportunity.
We are all so very blessed.
Thank you, what a wonderful idea!
ReplyDeleteThank you so much, Master Ellen. LY LY LY