The other day, I sent a blessing to my brother and a couple of other family members, from the Love Peace Harmony Golden Light Ball.
The blessing was incredible. I saw each heart open and saw a beautiful golden light shining in everyone's heart chakra.
They were given many virtue flowers for their life.
This incredible Love Peace Harmony Light Ball is within every one of us. The Divine has given this beautiful treasure to all souls. All souls. In other words, to everyone and everything.
Please use this powerful treasure to bless your loved ones, your friends, your neighbors, your community. A blessing for your own life.
Your life will transform.
You can ask the Love Peace Harmony Light Ball to bless your physical health, emotions, mental health, relationships and finances.
All we have to do is ask.
Sit up straight, back free and clear, feet flat on the ground.
Place both hands over the lower abdomen.
Dear Love Peace Harmony Light Ball,
I love you, honor you and greatly appreciate you.
Please bless (state your request).
I am very, very grateful.
Visualize the LPH Light Ball radiating out to the area of your request.
Then chant:
Love Peace Harmony Golden Light Ball blesses my request. Thank you.
Love Peace Harmony Golden Light Ball blesses my request. Thank you.
Love Peace Harmony Golden Light Ball blesses my request. Thank you.
Love Peace Harmony Golden Light Ball blesses my request. Thank you.
Wednesday, August 26, 2015
Monday, August 17, 2015
Bao Yuan Shou Yi - Oneness practice
There have been quite a few negative thoughts and negative emotions attached to these thoughts.
It is hard for me to determine why some mornings are very good....and the next morning can be a solid struggle.
I feel I have to get through one minute at a time. Staying in the moment and dealing with that moment.
At these times, I feel it difficult to chant. But this is exactly what I need to do. It can be a real challenge to chant. Sometimes I have to force myself. Chanting never fails to help. Never.
The chant I have been chanting during this time is Buo Yuan Shou Yi. Buo Yuan Shou Yi is oneness chanting. It connects us instantly with the heart of the Divine, the Source. It brings in the beautiful Divine and Source light. This light melts the blockages that keep us from being one with the Divine, one with the Source.
Blockages are transformed and I feel I can move on with my day in a much lighter frame of mind.
If the negative thoughts return, I start chanting again. I chant Buo Yuan Shou Yi the Source. I ask for forgiveness for the negative thoughts and emotions. I let go of the negative thoughts and replace them with the chant.
I feel strength coming into my soul, heart,mind and body. I know deep in my heart, things will be ok. My faith and confidence returns.
Please chant Buo Yuan Shou Yi the Source as often as possible.
Prepare to be transformed.
We are all blessed.
Monday, August 10, 2015
She's Golden Healing Ball
I am noticing more and more how people are suffering.
I can see it in their eyes, observe it in their body language.
We are so blessed to have all the treasures, including books, from Master Sha.
We can pick up any of his books and instantly serve. We can serve to lessen the suffering of our family members, our friends, our pets, schools, communities. Ourselves.
For example. Master Sha wrote a book named Sha's Golden Healing Ball. What an absolute treasure this little book is.
The Divine has given humanity a beautiful Golden Light Ball named after Master Sha because Master Sha is the true unconditional servant.
We simple call on Sha's Golden Healing Ball to come and bless our request.
I have used Sha's Golden Healing Ball for those I do not know, who I may see in a public place who are suffering.
I simply say:
Dear beloved Sha's Golden Healing Ball,
I love you.
You serve so unconditionally
Would you give this person/animal/situation a healing/blessing that is the most appropriate for them at this time?
I am so grateful.
Then I chant for 10 minutes or longer...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...
I realize in my heart and soul that the one receiving the blessing has had their suffering reduced.
What a gift. What an opportunity.
We are all so very blessed.
I can see it in their eyes, observe it in their body language.
We are so blessed to have all the treasures, including books, from Master Sha.
We can pick up any of his books and instantly serve. We can serve to lessen the suffering of our family members, our friends, our pets, schools, communities. Ourselves.
The Divine has given humanity a beautiful Golden Light Ball named after Master Sha because Master Sha is the true unconditional servant.
We simple call on Sha's Golden Healing Ball to come and bless our request.
I have used Sha's Golden Healing Ball for those I do not know, who I may see in a public place who are suffering.
I simply say:
Dear beloved Sha's Golden Healing Ball,
I love you.
You serve so unconditionally
Would you give this person/animal/situation a healing/blessing that is the most appropriate for them at this time?
I am so grateful.
Then I chant for 10 minutes or longer...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...Sha's Golden Healing Ball...
I realize in my heart and soul that the one receiving the blessing has had their suffering reduced.
What a gift. What an opportunity.
We are all so very blessed.
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