Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Chanting Tian Ren He Yi for Balance, Rejuvenation and Healing

The Yin Yang theory helps me to understand my life.

The Yin Yang theory is ancient philosophy which summarizes everything in nature.

Yang represents the fire nature.  Fire is heat, it flows upward and is very active.
Yin represents the water nature.  Water is generally cold and calm and flows downward.

The Yin Yang nature is also explained in the Big Universe and Small Universe.

The big universe is Heaven, Mother Earth, countless planets, stars, galaxies and universes.  The small universe is human beings including the internal organs, organ systems, spaces in the body. What happens in the big universe also happens in the small universe.  What happens in the small universe also happens in the big universe.

In ancient wisdom, there is a saying, Tian Ren He Yi.

Tian (Heaven) Ren (human being) represents the big universe (Heaven) and the small universe (human being).
Tian Ren He Yi means Heaven human being join as one.  So the ancient wisdom is the big universe and the small universe join together as one.

So..what happens in the big universe happens in the small universe.  What happens in the small universe happens in the big universe.
If there is pollution in the small universe there is pollution in the big universe.
If there are disasters in the big universe there are disasters in the small universe.

If Tian and Ren (Heaven and human being) are not joined together as one - there is sickness (pollution) and disaster (chaos).

Challenges  in human life is because the human is unbalanced.  Challenges in my life happen because I am out of balance.

There is a beautiful practice Master Sha has taught us to help us realign with Heaven and come back into more balance.

This practice brings together the big universe and the small universe.

Place one hand over the lower abdomen and one hand in the area you need healing or balance.

Say hello:  Dear Sacred Phrase Tian Ren He Yi,
                   I love you.
                   Can you bless my _____________________(name condition that needs balancing/healing).
                   Please do a soul healing for me.

Then chant:  Tian Ren He Yi
                     Tian Ren He Yi
                     Tian Ren He Yi
                     Tian Ren He Yi
                     Tian Ren He Yi

Put your mind in the area that needs balancing/healing.  Chant for at least 10 minutes. Chant and practice as often as possible.  When we come more into balance, we are helping others come more into balance.

I chant Tian Ren He Yi as often as possible.  It helps me feel peaceful and calm.  I am very happy Master Sha has shared this sacred teaching and phrase with us.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Master Ellen,
    Thank you for your post, which is also a beautiful reminder about the fundamentals of life!
    With gratitude,
