It took awhile, but now I understand better how much the Divine loves and cares for us.
At one time in my life, I felt all alone.
I believed I had to do everything for myself. There was no one to help or support me. I understand now this mindset is a huge blockage in the soul journey.
I understand now that the Divine is there for us always. It is up to us to believe and embrace the help that is offered every second of every day.
To better understand this, chant ' The Divine loves and supports me always. Thank you, Divine.
The Divine loves and supports me always. Thank you, Divine.
The Divine loves and supports me always. Thank you, Divine.
The Divine loves and supports me always. Thank you, Divine.
Chant as much and as often as you can. Feel gratitude in your heart for the love and support.
Close the chanting with Hao! Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
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